For many years, silver amalgam fillings were the go-to treatment for cavities. In recent times, more dentists are turning to composite resin fillings for treating decay due to safety and esthetic reasons. If you currently have silver amalgam fillings, you may be wondering if you should have them replaced with composite resin. An exam and consultation with Dr. Glenn MacFarlane from The Center for Holistic Dental Medicine, Red Bank, New Jersey, can help you make a knowledgeable decision.
The metal composition and mercury content of amalgam fillings can pose a health risk to some people. In addition to silver, amalgam fillings contain nickel, tin, mercury, and other metals, which could trigger reactions in people with metal allergies. You may also be concerned about having mercury in your mouth, seeing that it’s a potentially harmful substance.
In contrast, BPA-Free composite resin fillings are composed of an acrylic resin material that is safe for your teeth and poses no risk to your health. Composite fillings come with additional benefits as well:
Most dental fillings need replacement after some time due to wear and tear. If your amalgam fillings are relatively new and are functioning properly, you may want to wait to have them replaced. Dr. Glenn MacFarlane will evaluate your situation and recommend the best time for amalgam removal. If your silver fillings are old, fractured, damaged, or deteriorating and no longer providing the protection you need, we recommend replacing them right away to reduce the risk of future decay.
If you wish to remove your amalgam fillings for esthetic, health, or functional reasons, talk to Dr. Glenn MacFarlane about our SMART amalgam removal process. We’ll discuss how these fillings will be removed so you’ll know what to expect and answer any questions you may have concerning amalgam removal risks. Working with an experienced dentist for amalgam removal ensures the work is done safely and effectively. Once these fillings have been removed, Dr. MacFarlane will replace them with BPA-Free composite resin fillings to protect your teeth against future decay.
At The Center for Holistic Dental Medicine, your oral health is important to us. That’s why we offer modern dentistry procedures, like amalgam removal, that can improve the health and quality of your teeth. To learn more about our amalgam removal process and how it can benefit you, contact Dr. Glenn MacFarlane who holds a certification as a SMART dentist through the IAOMT. See this attached link about the SMART process. https://iaomt.org/resources/safe-removal-amalgam-fillings/?cn-reloaded=1. Call (732) 517-7785 to schedule an appointment.